Frogs! We are happy to announce that our incentivized pairs are LIVE and LP staking has begun! Rewards will begin emission in approximately 1.5 hours at 1 AM UTC. Users can begin staking LP by clicking on this link. Pairs scheduled for rewards are listed below:

To give users additional time to get involved with staking rewards, for the first 24 hours of the program, we will be splitting up the rewards contracts. For the first 24 hours of rewards, we will only be awarding YFL to users (with no alt rewards). Afterwards, users must restake their LP to gain access to alt rewards. Altcoin rewards will begin distribution 24 hours after the start of emission, scheduled for Monday, December 8th at 1 AM UTC. Staking will last for a total of 8 weeks from the beginning of staking and split token rewards linearly per day to users. Stakers are able to claim rewards at any time and they will receive tokens on a per-block basis.

These are the steps to participate in the reward pools:

1. Visit LINKSWAP to add liquidity to your favorite eligible pairs

2. Go to the rewards staking website and stake your LINKSWAP LP tokens

3. You can now start earning rewards!

We've also been receiving plenty of questions regarding LINKSWAP governance staking - we will release a guide that goes over this shortly, detailing how to use the governance portal to stake your YFL and receive LINKSWAP profits.