
YF Link is proud to announce a collaborative effort between YFL and yAxis, an upcoming DeFi project that brings unique value proposition to holders of their native token, YAX:

yAxis a meta yield-aggregator designed to deploy capital to the best yield strategy available. Unlike other simple yield aggregators, yAxis will be able to switch underlying assets when deploying strategy. At its core, yAxis is an experiment in DAO-directed yield farming where YAX holders vote regularly on which yVault/aggregator strategy to implement for user funds. This DAO would be the advisor for using “robo-advisors”, and would vote for the best yield while pooling gas fees.  Governance IS the yAxis product.  YAX governance would factor in vault withdrawal fees and price-slippage/fees when converting from one uA to another, as well as DeFi market sentiment.  Governance could vote to have YAX holders receive a percentage of user profits.

As part of our collaboration, YF Link and yAxis teams have created an exclusive YFL-specific farming pool to acquire YAX. Stake your YFL and earn YAX!

Here's how it works:

  1. Provide Liquidity to the YFL/ETH pool on Uniswap.
  2. Connect your wallet on the yaxis website and then visit the farms section.
  3. Approve and stake your YFL Uniswap LP tokens in the YF Link pool.

Make sure to join the yAxis discord if you have any questions, need further details on the yAxis project or would like to chat with the community.

Learn more about yAxis here.